25 April marks the national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand to commemorate all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations and to mark the contribution and suffering of all those who have served. The day is observed on 25 April each year, originally to honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign. It is estimated approximately 6000 Irish born men served in the Australian Imperial Force during WWI.
The Dawn Service, symbolically links commemorations with the dawn landing by the ANZAC at the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey on 25 April 1915.

In accordance with Covid-19 restrictions the Australian Embassy, Ireland, and New Zealand Embassy in Ireland will be commemorating a second ANZAC Day without the ability to come together in person. As a result, the annual ANZAC Day and Dawn Service commemoration at Grangegorman Military Cemetery, Dublin will not go ahead. Instead, a wreath will be laid on behalf of Australia and New Zealand at a private ceremony at Dawn on Sunday 25 April 2021.

With the help of Dún Laoghaire Library the Australian Embassy, Ireland are running an ANZAC Day Quiz on Sunday 25 April at 19:30 pm, you can join the quiz here – there will be some Australian and New Zealand goodies as prizes.

You can watch ANZAC Day Commemorative Dawn Service live on ABC Australia.

Annual Somme Commemoration – National War Memorial Gardens

Annual Somme Commemoration – National War Memorial Gardens

Every year a commemoration ceremony organised by the Royal British Legion Republic of Ireland is held at the Irish National War Memorial Gardens in Islandbridge, Dublin 8. The ceremony takes place coinciding with the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme (1 July – 18 November 1916) in which the 36th (Ulster) Division and 16th (Irish) Division took part.

The ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in the two World Wars, in particular the estimated 60,000 Irish men and women from all parts of the Ireland who served and died in both world wars. The event brings together representation from all parts and traditions of the island of Ireland .

Traditionally the ceremony commences with a parade of the standards of Royal British Legion, regimental, ex-services organisations and commemorative associations. This is followed by an ecumenical service of remembrance, recitals and music and the laying of official wreaths by government and civic leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps, Service and veterans representatives. Music is provided by the bands of the Irish Defence Forces and the Royal Irish Regiment.

The Ceremony is open to the public.

The ceromony takes places in the beautiful Irish War Memorial Gardens. The Gardens are dedicated to the memory of the 49,400 Irish soldiers who died in the Great War. The name of every soldier is contained in the sumptuously illustrated Harry Clarke manuscripts in the granite bookrooms.

The Gardens were designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Construction began in 1932.

Special Annual Ceremony of Remembrance and Wreath Laying, 11 July 2020

Annual Ceremony of Remembrance and Wreath laying, National War Memorial Gardens, 13 July 2019

Annual Ceremony of Remembrance and Wreath Laying, National War Memorial Gardens, 7 July 2018

Annual Ceremony of Remembrance and Wreath Laying, National War Memorial Gardens, 8 July 2017